Automate Wealth is about finding ways to automate your income! Now, this is not an easy task! It is certainly not as easy as most of the useless get-rich-quick or automated wealth programs out there would have you believe.
I have managed to automate parts of my income and I am always looking for new ways to increase my income and expand my business infrastructure to incorporate as many different automated aspects, in the endeavor to get a totally automated business running and making money.
The next phase it to apply those actions over again in a separate niche, so that they run totally independently of any other part of my businesses income. The main reason for this, is that when you have any one part or aspect of your different businesses mechanisms all dependent upon one aspect, like a piece of software or another businesses website like Twitter for instance. If that business were to end, change its policy or have its operations affected or curtailed by another business or government restriction or order, then your business would be affected too.
I suppose the only real true answer is that there are no totally safe and environmental proof ways to make a 100% automated business income. (Although - I know from experience that many of the Auto-Wealth programs advertised by self-styled Internet guru's will try to convince you differently).
My answer is, that you just have to run with what is available. Nothing is 100% guaranteed and nothing is going to run to plan exactly as it is described. So long as you accept this, then you will not get high hopes and then be too disappointed when it all turns to crap in front of you!
Its not all doom and gloom though! I have found that I can rely on certain things, certain businesses and their websites and tools to work as expected most of the time. So, whilst not 100% automatic, you can actually reduce a lot of the work-load of running a business and making money online.
To this end, I am writing here in this blog about ways to automate parts of your business, so that you can concentrate on other areas, like expending what you actually do. Things like niches for example! I found that I could not break a certain income barrier due to competition or other boundaries like income rate to costs of advertising ratios. (Yes, you can make a turnover of $1,000 a day, but it would cost you $2,000 a day to do it in advertising costs. (A PPC scenario- that actually happened for me)).
My best business Internet marketing advice:
You have got to try! Just because someone else couldn't make something work, doesn't mean that it won't work for you. I have even heard a multimillionaire marketer live on stage, who stood there in front of a 10,000 seat audience and claim that it is impossible to make money via Twitter! He claimed that he had over 75,000 followers and had not earned one red-cent!
I cannot say who it was, because I don't want a law-suit etc. Back-stage, I told him to his face, how wrong he was! That even with as little as only 40 people following me, I have made sales of affiliate products. (As a result, that info has now become one of my spread-sheet stats I have added to my records for my own personal interest and information). It could possibly be a worthwhile statistic later, if I were to use this as a guide-line, like If I have no-sales even after I have 2,500 people following me on Twitter, then I am probably onto a loosing game)!
As a quick and first offering, here is a short video on automating part of your blog. Since I am using Blogger / Blogspot here, Google's own Blogging platform, I have used this platform for the example.
You can do the same things within other blogging platforms, namely WordPress. However, I will stay away from WP for the time being, since this video is only to demonstrate what you can actually do to automate parts of your business.
The trouble with WordPress, (although everyone and his dog claims that WP is easy), is that there are so many different theme possibilities and different versions, that you have to study your particular theme and work out from there how to automate posting as shown in this video.
The point here is that I don't have to spend my valuable time looking for my HTML or JAVA scrips that I want to appear on every post. Then again even if I want no scripts on a post, it is still easier to delete the new post to a blank before I start writing the post, than it is to search for and place each script and add my signing off and copyright symbol etc.
© AndyGold 2011